Speak It Out

My word is sure and filled with power, says the Lord. But in order to accomplish anything in this world, it must be sent forth from human lips.

Therefore it is not enough to simply embrace the promises and wait for them to come. But you must participate with Me in this before My power can be released into the world. And you do this by the words that you speak.

Did you identify the words as yours, and the promises as an answer to your prayers? Then do not wait for them to be fulfilled, but enable them by taking them in your lips and speaking them out loud.

Have I promised you financial provision? Then proclaim this to the world, thus releasing My power to go out and create that provision. Have I promised you healing and divine health? Then do the same, declaring that you are healed by My power.

Do not wait until you see the manifestation of these things, but begin to declare them even now, before they become visible. Act just like Me, and start calling the things that are not as though they were.

For I will indeed fulfill all My promises and do all that I said I would do. And when My word is sent out into the earth it will not return void but will accomplish what it was sent for.

Therefore maintain the confession of your hope without wavering for as you do this, nothing can stop it from coming, says the Lord.

LesDaph Ministries Copyright 2019 GBM International