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God Kind of Woman

This message was preached a few years back on Mother's Day and is available to view on YouTube. We have also transcribed this message because it lays down some very important teachings from Scripture.

You can find the video and transcript at the following web address:

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God Kind of Man

This message was preached in the same year as the teaching on the God Kind of Woman. It stands together with that message as standard teaching on the roles of men and women from Scripture.

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Build Faith Conquer Fear

Daphne recently came to grips with a problem she had been struggling with for many years, and she shares how the Lord not only gave her the desire of her heart but also taught her some powerful principles on overcoming fear.

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Overcoming Satan's Agenda

Satan has been using an agenda to bring the whole world under his control. And the method he uses is not original - he uses the same method repeatedly.

In this message Apostle Les D. Crause exposes the agenda of the enemy and how he works, so that believers can be forewarned and avoid the consequences.

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My Story by Les Crause

Les shares an outline of his life in the Lord and ministry

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My Story by Daphne Crause

Daphne shares her life story and spiritual experiences

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Future Goals and Plans For This Ministry

Les shares how God led to this change in ministry emphasis and some of the future goals and plans he sees for this ministry

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Activating Your Mantles

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