Let Me Be Your Pilot

Your ship is going through difficult waters, and you stand in danger of striking the rocks around you, says the Lord. But there is a way through that is safe and will not only bring you to safety but release you to open waters where you can sail freely.

I am bringing you to a wider place, where more opportunities will be available to you and greater resources than you have right now. But in order to get there, you need to go through a kind of birthing process.

During this time you are restricted and confined, and the way is narrow, like a birth canal. And you are struggling to make your way through this time without much success.

But now is not the time to struggle and push your way. It is a time to wait and submit to the process. And your ship needs to be under the control of a pilot to take it through the stormy waters.

So cease from your struggling and put everything in My hands, for I know the way through and I will not allow you to come to any harm. Be as a baby that simply submits to the birth process until it is out of the womb.

And I will bring you soon to a wider place where you can once again set sails and head for your destination. And you will experience a new level of My blessing, and walk in freedom once again says the Lorda

LesDaph Ministries Copyright 2019 GBM International