One Day At A Time

The birds of the air come each day to feed on what has been poured out for them. And I provide their needs every day continually, says the Lord.

Did I not teach you to pray, “Give us today our daily bread?” For I see your needs and I will always make sure that what you need is available when it is required. You must simply trust Me with expectation in your heart, knowing that I care for you.

You have allowed the cares of this life to overwhelm you because you have no storage or reserves to fall back on. But if you had such a store, would you still trust in Me, or would you begin to trust in yourself?

Therefore cease from your striving to accumulate wealth out of fear for the future, and learn to look to Me daily to provide what you need for each day. For you cannot deal with tomorrow’s problems until tomorrow comes.

Bring to me your care for today and make today the time when you will rejoice and accomplish much. For I give you each day all the resources that you need to face and deal with that day.

So as you face this new day, embrace it with thankfulness that another opportunity has been granted you to live a life of blessing and productivity. Take My hand and let me walk you through this day and make it a day that you will remember says the Lord.

LesDaph Ministries Copyright 2019 GBM International