Releasing Blessing By Blocking Curses Chapter 23 of 24

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Signs of Blessing

PART 02 - Bonus Material

Often we notice a curse before we realize that we are actually walking in the blessing of the Lord. If you can see these signs in your life, then rejoice and praise God, because you are living the life He wants you to live.



Things that usually irritate you (like standing in long queues or bad traffic), don't bother you anymore. You can go through this situation with peace and even joy in your heart.

You see people through the eyes of Jesus and feel compassion for them, when usually you wouldn't really care.

When someone gets angry or irritated with you, your reaction is not to get angry in return. Instead you feel love for them and can resolve the situation easily.



When you are placed in a stressful situation, you remain calm and complete the task ahead with wisdom.

When something bad unexpectedly happens, your emotions remain in control and you look to the Lord for direction.

When your children are behaving badly and you are getting distractions from all sides, you take each situation calmly and deal with it.



You very rarely experience accidents or injuries.

You and your family very seldom go to a doctor because you never get sick.

Your are never faced with violent situations likes gangs, muggers, etc.



You unexpectedly get a raise from your boss or get in additional finances.

You often find good specials or sales at the store, and usually end up spending less than you anticipated.

You have good relationships or find good business contacts.

Peace and Harmony


Your children hardly ever fight with each other. They love playing with each other and are best friends.

You have not faced conflict situations with your family or those close to you in a long time.

You are not fearful that something bad could happen to you, but you experience peace.

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