All Available Courses

Single No More
Finding God's Perfect Match
R350.00 - $30.00

Overcoming Evil Handbook
Mina teaching on Deliverance
R0.00 - $0.00

Overcoming Sickness Poverty and Loneliness
Overcoming Sickness Poverty and Loneliness
R0.00 - $0.00

Category: 1. Ministry Courses

Operating in the Supernatural
Operating in the Supernatural
R0.00 - $0.00

Mantles of God
The Mantles of Ministry
R0.00 - $0.00

Your Spiritual Life
All you need to get started with a successful spiritual life
R500.00 - $40.00

Moving in the Supernatural Seminar
How to move in the supernatural
R750.00 - $50.00

Overcoming Evil
The Ultimate Course on Deliverance
R500.00 - $30.00

School of Blessing
The School of Blessing Study Course and Seminar
R750.00 - $5.00

Transformed Life Seminar
Deal with past problems and underlying influences
R750.00 - $50.00

Ministry of the Evangelist
Ministry of the Evangelist
R400.00 - $25.00

Fulfilling Your Ministry Calling
How to find and walk into the call God has for you
R500.00 - $50.00

Using Your Ministry Gifts
Using the gifts that God has given you to fulfill your call
R500.00 - $50.00

Praying With Power
Take your prayer life to a whole new level and get answers to your prayer
R400.00 - $30.00

God Kind of Church
What God would like the Church to look like
R1000.00 - $60.00

Developing Prophetic Ministry
Learn How To Get Better At All The Prophetic Functions
R400.00 - $40.00

Prophetic Ministry Made Easy
Learn All The Basic Prophetic Functions Quickly and Easily
R600.00 - $36.00

Psychology in Business and Ministry
You Will Learn Enough Psychology In This Course To Do Both Business and Ministry
R400.00 - $25.00

Study of Salvation
The Full Doctrine of Salvation Explained Simply
R400.00 - $25.00

Category: 2. Way to Abundant Living

Four Months With God in Business
R350.00 - $30.00

Category: 3. Practical Living

Heavenly Marriage Seminar
How To Build A Marriage That Is Heaven On Earth
R750.00 - $50.00

Fulfill Your Destiny
Find What You Were Born to Accomplish In This Life
R1000.00 - $60.00

Category: 4. Bible Studies

Bible Doctrine
All The Main Bible Doctrines Laid Out Simply For You
R300.00 - $25.00

How to Study The Bible
All you Need To Know About The Bible And How To Study It
R600.00 - $36.00

Category: 5. Ministry Courses

Evangelist in a Box
The Basics of Evangelism in the Local Church
R300.00 - $20.00

Category: 6. General Courses

Addicted to Prayer
Grow your Passion for Prayer and let it be your addiction
R0.00 - $0.00
LesDaph Ministries Copyright 2019 GBM International