There are times when our feelings let us down. We just cannot get motivated to press on and do not feel like doing anything. This affects us in the natural and also in our spiritual lives.
You need to understand what is causing this and how you can break free from it. This is the topic of today’s Motivational.
Music Outro
Music played at the end of our daily motivations is taken from albums available from our music website at
Today’s is taken from an album entitled Songs of Glory and Power, which you can listen to here:
Audio File
Text Transcript – When You’re Feeling Low
All Energy Has Gone
I want to speak today to those who are feeling low. Perhaps you feel like you just lost all your energy. Almost like somebody pushed a syringe into you and sucked the life out of you. And now everything is an effort. You just can’t seem to have any energy. You can’t get going on anything and you’re just moping around.
And you’re probably wondering where does this come from? Is there something wrong with me? How do I break out of it? Well, there are several different things that can cause this and so I’m going to address all of them And then we’ll end on I think the the most important note of probably where your problem does lie Now what you are feeling might be physical, so perhaps you need to check your diet and what you’re eating.
You need to check that you are drinking enough water and that you are properly hydrated. You need to see whether you should take some vitamins. Sometimes a lack of iron in the body can even cause these kind of symptoms. But usually the main problem is not physical, but let’s start with the physical and deal with that in a minute.
The Soul – Psychological
The second area of cause of this is your soul. This might be psychological. You may be experiencing some of the symptoms of depression. Now the psychologists try to figure out what causes depression and they’re looking for certain genes and all sorts of things. But actually depression is quite a simple thing.
And when you understand it, you’ll find that you can break out of it if you do approach it the right way. Okay. But the important thing to realize is that being depressed has an effect on On your body. And the greatest and most powerful effect that it has is it causes all the body reactions to slow down.
Your heart beats slower, you breathe more slowly, everything begins to slow down. Your metabolism, everything slows down. This is a natural physical effect of the emotion that’s caused by depression. And so the reason that you are feeling so physically weak and incapable is probably because your body has reacted to the effects of you being in a state of depression.
Experience of Elijah
You’re feeling emotionally low. You have no exciting goals or a future to look forward to. And sometimes, this can be caused by bad events in your life. The prophet Elijah called all the false prophets of Baal to Mount Carmel and he challenged them to cause their sacrifice to be burned by Baal.
And then he called down fire from heaven and burned up his sacrifice and proved to them That God is the real God. It was a great and wonderful victory, a very powerful moment for him. But then he got news that Queen Jezebel had threatened him and said, when I get a hold of you, I’m going to kill you. And Elijah ran away in fear.
And when he did this, when he responded incorrectly to this event, his feelings began to drop low and he began to feel emotionally low. And eventually the Lord took him up to a high mountain. And spoke to him and said, what is going on here, Elijah. And Elijah expressed that he was feeling all alone. That he was the only one who’d stood up and nobody supported him and he’s the only faithful prophet.
God had to remind him actually, “I’ve got thousands of other people like you Elijah. You’re not alone. You’re seeing it all wrong. You’ve responded to this whole situation incorrectly. And you’re seeing it from the enemy’s point of view instead of from my point of view.”
And so God gave Elijah a chance to rest a bit and then gave him a new goal and a new task to do. And that put him on fire again and got him going out.
Response to Bad Experiences
So perhaps right now you’ve reached a place where you have no goal or the things that you tried to do didn’t work. People rejected you and you tried to do something.
All your great big plans fell apart, and now you’re stuck saying, Where do I go from here? You are a sure candidate for depression right there. And that is why you need to learn to break out of this and you need to come into the presence of the Lord and let him see yourself from his point of view. And then you’re going to see things somewhat different.
And as God deals with that, your emotions will improve. And as your emotions improve, the depression will fade away. And then your body will catch up and you’ll get your energy all back again.
Spiritual Effects
But one of the more powerful causes of this is not just simply a psychological bad event or your response to a bad event, although that’s the most common, but it’s how it affects your spirit.
You see when you do something that you shouldn’t have done, or you failed to do something that you should do, the immediate feeling is one of guilt and failure. And the moment you begin to feel failure and you begin to feel that guilt come upon you, that can be one of the most powerful onsets of depression.
Because now you even feel like you’ve failed the Lord. You’re feeling all alone in this world. You try and pray and God’s not there. And people are not there. And you’re all on your own and that state of depression can drive people sometimes eventually to even take their own lives. But you need to see that most of the time the things that we feel guilty of are not clear and obvious.
You see, sin is disobeying God’s laws and it’s very easy to see what is a sin because God has told us very clearly what we shouldn’t do. He has told us some of the things we should do. And so if we fail in some of those areas, and we feel that we have sinned, then guilt can come upon you. But I want you to realize that guilt doesn’t come from the Lord.
There Is No Condemnation From The Lord
Condemnation does not come from the Lord because the scripture says there is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus.
Romans 8:1 From now on therefore, there is no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who are not continually walking under the control of the flesh, but under the control of the Spirit. [GBMV]
The moment you sinned, Jesus stood at the Father’s right hand and pleaded your case for you as your lawyer, and he won the case. There is no condemnation from the Lord even if you have sinned.
But it’s usually not obvious sins that cause these problems. It’s guilt from things that are not clearly sin. Sometimes what you’re feeling guilty about is having failed a family tradition, or what society expect of you, or what you think is the right thing to do. You’ve actually failed your own moral code, not God’s laws.
False Guilt
And then when that happens, sometimes it’s difficult to actually put your finger on the guilt itself. What exactly did you do that was wrong? What should you have done that you didn’t do? And when you cannot fully identify it, actually there’s no solution. Because you can’t come and confess this as a sin to the Lord because it’s not an obvious sin.
But yet you feel like you have failed. You feel like maybe you have failed people. You have failed society. And Satan then jumps in. He’s the accuser of the brethren. And he begins to remind you of all your failures. And he just gets on your case. You miserable, rotten, coward. No good Christian. Look at you, what a failure you are.
Confess Your Sins
So how do you overcome this? Well, firstly, if you are feeling guilty about anything, make a list of all the things that you feel you did wrong and confess them one at a time. But you see, the scripture says, it’s not God that’s condemning you, but he says when we come to the Lord and our own hearts condemn us, That’s when we have a problem.
1 John 3:20 For if our heart condemns us, God is greater than our heart, and knows all things.
21 Beloved, if our heart does not condemn us, [then] have we confidence towards God. [GBMV]
The condemnation isn’t coming from the Lord. The condemnation is coming from within your own heart. You feel a fool. You feel stupid. You feel that you did wrong. And you almost hate yourself for being such a failure. And it’s so difficult to get rid of that. So you need to come afresh to the Lord.
Submit yourself afresh to Him. Say, Lord, here I am, spirit, soul, body, I ask you to forgive me for everywhere that I’ve failed, and I receive the cleansing of your blood now, in Jesus name. And then you turn and you face the accuser of the Brethren, and you say,
“My sins have been washed in the blood of Calvary and you just get out of here because you’re a liar and I stand clean before the Lord and I’m going to rise up again and I’m going to go forward, going to pick up my sword and I’m going to go and attack, even as God has told me to do.”
Let me pray for you quickly. Father in the name of Jesus, I bring your child to you and I come against this accusation that Satan has brought against them. Satan, you are a liar and I command you to take your lies back to hell where they came from. In Jesus name, you loose your hold and you’ll be gone.
The Lord says to you,
“My child, you have not failed me. But you have failed society and you have failed men. And your obligation is not to men, but your obligation is to me alone, says the Lord. Therefore, shake off this cloak of darkness that the enemy has tried to throw over you, to dampen you and to prevent you from rising up.
And doing the things that I’ve called you to do. Cast off this cloak of darkness says the Lord and put on my garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness until your spirit begins to lift again. And you rise up once more in my power and in my authority to conquer and to go forth and do exploits for me.
And you shall succeed because I’m right there by your side. I’m taking you by the hand and I’m with you in everything that you do. “
Says the Lord.
I hope that you were blessed by this and that’s touched you in some way. If you were blessed by this, please respond to our blog and let us know. And if you need any further prayer or want us to stand with you, you can indicate that too by filling in a form. for a prayer request.
The Lord bless you.
Thanks a lot Apostle Les for this powerful publication.
It sounds like a follow up on what you shared last time. It’s unique and special.
The Lord is using you to help people to find solutions to their problems. One thing that stood out for me is that God does not condemn us. It’s our hearts that condemn us. I read this scripture so many times, but I did not have a full understanding of it until you showed it to me here.
Thanks a lot for sharing on that. Now I have a better understanding of this scripture. I’m learning a lot from your articles.
In addition to what I noted from this teaching. The goes on to tell us that God is greater than our hearts, and He knows all things.
So, we should learn to listen to the voice of God rather than the voice of our hearts.
Thanks for sharing this message.
My eyes are opened now, and I am seeing the truth that makes us free.
This message came in the exact moment that I needed it! My eyes were filled with tears from discouragement and depression. Thank You for bringing clarity and wisdom on how I can come out. I’m requesting continual prayers as I’m daily overrun with caring for my husband (he needs supernatural healing), family and as a senior leader in our Church.
Please feel free to contact Daphne or me using WhatsApp for personal ministry or prayer. You can find the details using the Contact Us link on our website.
Thank you for this word. I can relate to the things you addressed as I have experienced depression in the past. The Lord delivered me from the spirit of depression. The enemy often tries to cover me with that dark cloud of depression again.
Thank you for the reminder that the Lord does not condemn us. The devil is a liar! I have been set free!
I cast off the cloak of darkness and put on the garment of praise. Thank you Lord for your word. Thank you Apostle Les for being His vessel and bringing forth His word. This ministers to me and I receive this message and prayer. I’m getting up slowly but surely.