Expect A Blessing

As you gaze into the sky and see the limitless of space, realize that you are seeing a picture of all that I am, says the Lord.

As you look at My creation, you see not only My handiwork, but you also see a picture of all I am able to do for you. For if I could create the worlds out of nothing and bring into being what did not exist before, can I not also do the same for you?

You know that I am able to do all these things, but often you feel that I will not do it for you. You feel unworthy to expect big things of Me, and your past experiences have taken away your hope of Me doing it.

Yet just as the sun rises each day and sets again each evening, and you expect this to happen, so also will I work in your life. And instead of expecting bad things to happen in your life, you should be expecting good things from My hand.

What do you desire in this world to live a life of happiness and contentment? Do you not realize that I want you to have this? And if your confident expectation is to receive these things, just as you confidently expect the sun to rise tomorrow, then you open the way for Me to work.

So test Me says the Lord, and come to Me with the expectation of good things. See only the good things that you desire from Me, instead of the evil that the world and the enemy offer you.

And start each day with joyful anticipation of the sun of My blessing rising for you, and showering you with every good thing from above. For I delight in blessing My children, and when you come to Me as an expectant child, desiring something from the hand of their parent, I will not let you down.

Keep this picture firmly in your mind, and speak it out with anticipation. And when bad things come, do not allow the thought to enter in that I had a part in this. See where it came from, ignore it, and continue to wait for the good things from My hand.

For they shall surely come as you trust in Me, says the Lord.

LesDaph Ministries Copyright 2019 GBM International