Keep Moving Forward

I know the end from the beginning says the Lord, and I make My plans with this foreknowledge in mind.

Therefore when you asked me to lead you, I set a path for you that was designed to bring you more quickly to your destination. And nothing that the enemy does can interfere with My plans, because I know ahead of time what he is planning to do.

So do not be moved by what you see and the changes that have been imposed on you. For I have already taken these into account, and in fact I am even using the very attack of the enemy to bring you more quickly along the road that I set for you.

Do not be dismayed when your plans appear to be blocked and your direction appears to change. For I am still in control and for a season I am leading you along a path that is different to the way you have walked until now.

Yet you are still headed for the original destination that you desired, and that I have arranged for you to reach. And while you continue to keep your eyes fixed on Me alone, and not your circumstances, you will surely succeed.

So keep moving forward under My direction, and keep a spirit of praise in your heart and in your mouth says the Lord. For some wonderful and amazing things lie before you.

Keep pressing towards the mark and even increase your pace, for much blessing awaits you just around the corner. And you will be amazed to see My wisdom in all of this, and how I can take any circumstance and turn it into something that will bless you and increase you, says the Lord.

LesDaph Ministries Copyright 2019 GBM International