Expect Good News

Sometimes it is not easy to remain positive and full of hope when things are going wrong all around you. You see some who are believers, struggling with sickness and even dying, while others are facing financial crises in their lives. Where is the Lord in all of this?

But the Lord wants to say to you,

"My child, do not keep your eyes fixed on what the enemy is doing, but see instead what I am doing. For the number of cases of My people walking in blessing far exceed the few cases where the enemy seems to have won.

I have a plan for your life, and it is My desire to see you fulfill that plan and accomplish everything that I have called you to do. The way has been set before you, and My angels are already working to make it a reality. My hand of protection is upon you to make sure that nothing stops this from taking place.

So do not look at the stories of others, but know that the story of your life is due to unfold exactly as I have planned it in my foreknowledge. No evil will befall you, and the enemy will not control you in any way if you continue to put your trust fully in Me alone.

Therefore pay no attention to the bad news, for the news of your life under My control will always be good news. Expect the headlines in tomorrow's news for you to be an announcement of blessing and not doom.

Imagine that you wake up each day, eager to read the story of your life and to discover some exciting new things that I have planned for you. And when everything all around you seems to be dark, expect Me to shine a bright new light on your way.

Because you are special to Me, and I have paid the price for you to enter into all the good things that I desire for you. So trust Me and watch me work in your life. Expect something good and exciting to happen this very day.

And you will know how much I love you and watch over even the small details of your life”,

says the Lord

LesDaph Ministries Copyright 2019 GBM International