Time For Joy

One of Satan’s main ploys to stop us moving forward in the Lord is to attack us with negative feelings of doubt, fear and discouragement. The negative picture he paints into your mind makes you expect the worst, instead of the blessing that God intends.

In this word, the Lord tells us to use the power of joy to overcome these attacks. So if you are feeling down, then this word is for you.

Audio Recording

Text Transcript

The enemy has launched a fresh attack against you, says the Lord, because you are starting to become a threat to him. And what he’s been trying to do is to discourage you by causing you to be assailed with all sorts of difficulties and problems.

And at the same time he’s been attacking your mind and putting negative thoughts and negative expectations into your mind and those pictures have resulted in your feelings becoming very unreliable. You have become discouraged and depressed and cast down instead of rising up in my power.

Therefore, says the Lord, it is time for you to break free of this and the only way that you can do this is to obey my instruction to rejoice evermore for there is power in joy, says the Lord, and there is power in my joy for my joy is your strength.

Therefore, instead of allowing yourself to become overwhelmed by all the circumstances that you are facing by the attacks on your own physical body and all of the negative thoughts that are in your mind, you must rise up and you must laugh at the devil.

Yes, laugh at him and in his face for he does not have power over you. He is a liar, says the Lord, for I am in control of your life and Satan cannot do what he wants to do.

Therefore, do not listen to his lies but rise up and begin to rejoice in me, says the Lord, and begin to laugh at the calamities that Satan is trying to bring to you and then you will break free and the enemy will retract his forces. Command them to leave you for you have authority in my name and as you rise up in the power of joy you are using a weapon that is invincible against the attacks of Satan, because he doesn’t know joy, he only knows negative emotions.

Therefore, rise up, says the Lord, rejoice evermore, rejoice in me, rejoice in what I have done for you, rejoice in my salvation, rejoice in the power of my spirit that I have given to you and you shall rise up and you shall begin to experience the life of abundance and joy that I have for you, says the Lord.

Song Taken From Songs of Hope Album

Song Lyrics – There’s a Better Thing To Do

1. I stubbed my toe and it’s hurting bad
2. There’s a traffic jam and I have to wait
3. The money’s gone and the debts are due
4. So let go of your cares, and let go of your fears

1. I’m tempted to spew ’cos it makes me mad
2. I want to stress ’cos I’m gonna be late
3. I want to panic, ’cos my options are few
4. The Lord is God, so stop the tears

1. I bite my tongue so I don’t go waaaaa
2. I hold my breath so I don’t go waaaaa
3. I put on a smile so I don’t go waaaaa
4. So open your hearts and start saying, Yeah


1-3. There’s a better thing to do
4. There’s only one thing to do

1-3. I can praise the Lord
4. You can praise the Lord.

Praise you Lord
You are worthy of our praise
Praise you Lord
You are worthy of our love

3 thoughts on “Time For Joy”

  1. Thanks for the word Apostle Les. It is the Rhema Word for me. I have been facing attacks several attacks, and this is the word that brings strength and hope for me. The song is actually a source of my strength as I listen to to hear.
    The enemy has been trying by all means to side-track me and cause delays in many areas of my life.
    This prophetic message is my answer to many attacks I faced in the past.

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