Making Your Dream Come True Chapter 9 of 20
<-Chapter 8 Chapter 10-> Show Condensed VersionGod's 12-Step Program
I would like to tell you now about God's 12 Step Program.
There are many 12 steps programs in the world. Most of them come from unbelievers, who try to use psychology to help you overcome your problems.
If your problem is divorce, alcoholism or drugs, there is usually some 12-step program to help you deal with it.
Well I am going to give you the best 12-step program that you have ever heard. This one really works because it is God's 12-step program.
God wants to bless you. He wants to bless you even more than you want the blessing. But here is an important thing you need to bear in mind. God will NOT impose Himself on you.
The Lord will never force His blessing on you. God will always bless you according to what you desire. If you are expecting the blessing to fall on you without doing anything, you have not even taken the first step in this program yet.
YOU must take 12 steps to enter into the blessing of the Lord. And in case you are worried about it, one of them is NOT tithing. These 12 steps will cause you to walk in blessing. So here they are.
Make a Decision of What You Want from God
Decide what you want. This must not be just a passing thought like,
"I suppose it would be nice to have one of those."
That is not a want. I am talking about a consuming core desire. It must stir up your passions. It must consume you. It should keep you awake at night.
The Bible gives us an example of that in the Old Testament. Rachel so desired children that she said to her husband,
"Give me a child or I will die."
He felt a little put out because he was not God, but she had a consuming passion. She wanted a child.
You must start with this kind of desire. It is step number one, and an essential part of this program. Without it you cannot receive anything from the Lord. When you have that kind of desire, you must see the thing you want very clearly in your mind.
You have to be very specific. If you want a car from the Lord, you cannot say,
"I want a car."
You could end up with a Volkswagen when you wanted a Cadillac. You must say exactly what you want from the Lord.
Now you are probably shaking your head and thinking,
"Here it comes - the 'Name It and Claim It' teaching. You just name what you want and claim it from God and you will get anything you want."
No, we do not believe in Name it and Claim it as I have taught in The Way of Blessing. This program comes entirely from the principles of the Way of Blessing. So if you want these 12 steps in far more detail, you need to read The Way of Blessing.
We have recently upgraded the Way of Blessing and split it into two books called the New Way of Blessing. The two books are:
The New Way of Blessing: Discovering Your Blessing
The New Way of Blessing: Using Your Blessing.
If you prefer audio or video, you can get the DVD's or Audio CD's which are all available at
They will transform your life, but it will take you longer to go through everything. This is the shortened version.
We believe in 'See It and Snatch It'. This is not just a play on words either. This is very different to 'Name It and Claim It', because until you see it you cannot snatch it. I will show you shortly how to come to that place.
<-Chapter 8 Chapter 10-> Show Condensed Version