Making Your Dream Come True Chapter 20 of 20

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You Must Loose It Once It Manifests

Step No. 12

The first thing you have to do is loose it and cut it off from you. You must cut off the umbilical cord and remove every obstacle standing in the way. You must remove anything that stops the baby from rising up into this new life.

I always use the story of Lazarus to illustrate this principle. Jesus stood at the graveside of Lazarus, and shouted out in a loud voice saying,

"Lazarus come out."

The Scripture says that Lazarus came out and stood at the mouth of the cave, all tied up in his grave clothes.

If he continued standing there in his grave clothes, he could have died again from suffocation and starvation. They could have celebrated that Lazarus was back, left him there and gone home.

But the first thing that Jesus said to them was,

"Loose him."

So many people have made this mistake. They have believed and trusted God and gone through the whole period of labor. And now the manifestation is right there, so they think that they can sit back and rest.

You could lose it all right there. I remember when I put out my faith for God to pay all my debts. Someone came and told me they were going to give me a specific amount of money. I rejoiced that my provision had come, but two weeks later there was still no sign of it.

I wondered whether he had changed his mind. Perhaps he no longer had the money. Maybe he got into debt or thought he was in deception and changed his mind. That was when the Lord taught me this principle. He said,

"Don't you stop, but loose it now. Speak it forth and say that it is yours in the name of Jesus, and loose it in Jesus' name."

The 12th step is a very important step. If you do not release it once it manifests, you could lose it.

The Principles in Summary

The Principles in Summary

You can receive anything at all that you desire from the Lord. If you follow these 12 steps, they will work every time.

Make a decision of what you want from God.

Get into the Word and find promises for what you want

Wait on God for the answer

See Him giving it to you

Know that it is yours

Transmute it from the Heavenly Realm

Build a spiritual template to keep your soul healthy

Bind the forces of darkness and release the forces of Heaven

Start small and learn to birth small things as you move up to tackle bigger problems

Follow each one through to its conclusion

Don't be swayed by the time of travail

Once it manifests, remember to release it into the earth

That is the Way of Blessing in a nutshell. There's a lot more to it, and if you haven't done so yet, I suggest you go and read both books in the Way of Blessing series.

I have given summaries of all the main principles on our website at Go and look at the summaries, but if you really want to get the principles, get hold of the Way of Blessing.

There are the Way of Blessing books and a workbook that goes with it. We have the Way of Blessing songs also, which contain the actual principles. If you find it difficult to remember all of the principles, just learn the songs and you can sing them. As you sing them the principles will come back to you over again.

I built my life on these principles. For those who are part of this ministry, this is the flagship of Global Business Ministries International. This is the Way to Blessing; God's 12 Step Program.

I believe that as you walk these steps you will experience the same thing.

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