Making Your Dream Come True Chapter 17 of 20
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Step No. 9
You need to birth the thing that you have desired. I have done a big teaching using the allegory of birth in the Way of Blessing.
You conceive in your spirit when you receive that rhema word. And you begin to prepare now for the manifestation of the thing that God has already given you.
From the moment that she conceives, a woman is pregnant. There is a baby in there, but it is not ready to come out yet. Many things will happen from the point of conception to the point of birth.
We don't really want this tough part. I tried planting some herb seeds the one day and I thought,
"Wonderful, we will soon have our own herb garden."
But I checked and they said it would take 60 to 90 days. I thought we could water it for a while and then start using the herbs in our cooking.
It does not work that way in planting, and for the women it does not work that way in childbearing either. There are a few steps that take place between the fun part of making the baby and that horrible part called childbirth.
Many horrible things happen between, like 'morning sickness'. There are some nice parts and some bad parts, but many things have to take place. If you are human it takes nine months.
If the baby comes before that time, it may not survive because it is premature. There is an exact time period that it takes to birth.
Dogs and cats don't need nine months. They take more like nine weeks. The time varies from animal to animal. For an elephant, it is even longer than for a human and takes years.
It always takes a while, even though you know that you have a child within you. You can even name the child and call it by name, and talk to it in your tummy. It is not here yet, but you know that it is there. It is not yet ready for full manifestation.
There is always a waiting period between the point of conception and the point of birth. And it happens exactly the same way in the realm of the spirit.
Perhaps you are believing God for something big; maybe you are trusting Him to make you a millionaire. Then you are trying to birth an elephant. You cannot understand why you have confessed and exercised your faith for six weeks, but you are not a millionaire yet.
Six weeks might feel like an age, with no sign of the millions. But I suggest you do not start by trying to birth an elephant.
I wrote a song about it in a series called the Blessing Songs. It is called, "You Can Birth an Elephant if You Want." It always takes a while.
When I first tried gardening, I found some plants that mature quickly. The best was the good old radish. Who eats those red radishes? I didn't eat them myself, but I planted them just because they grew so fast.
It gave me encouragement. I could plant them, and within days the green leaves were coming out. Before I knew it I could pick the radishes and have my own homegrown vegetables.
Months later the onions were still only half-grown. So I planted many radishes to keep me going, while I waited for the onions to mature. The potatoes and all the other things I had planted followed afterwards.
If you plant a peach tree, you could wait years before it is big enough to give you peaches. I grew up with an avocado tree that my parents planted from a pip. I played in it, climbed its branches and knocked nails into it. But I was already nearly in my teens when it finally started to bear avocados.
It took many years before it was ready. Don't plant avos to start with. Rather start with radishes. Don't try to birth an elephant. Start with something smaller like a rat, or something even smaller.
Birth something small. You could believe God for a new pen. You might have enough money for a pen, but rather believe God for enough money to go and buy a new pen. Start with something small. When it comes, you will see that your faith actually worked and it worked quickly.
Perhaps now that you have a pen, you could get a more expensive one. Now you can believe for something fancier. I believed God for a watch. It was a cheap one from Costco. Now I can believe God for something a bit fancier.
You might not be quite ready for a Rolex yet, but you could try for something in between. Start with something that is small enough to encourage you that your faith does work. You can believe God for this, and you can see the results.
Then as you start small, build up to bigger things. You could have many of these going at the same time. You could plant many different plants and have many different things that you are birthing at the same time.
During that time, a growth and maturity will take place. But don't forget that just before the manifestation there will be labor pains. Most women would love to skip the labor and just have the baby.
I am afraid it does not work that way in the natural, and it doesn't work that way in the spiritual. Don't expect that now that you have trusted God to provide, everything will just fall into place.
It is like watching a movie. The best movie is one where everything starts out great, the hero gets what he or she wants, and then everything goes wrong.
You reach the point where 'all is lost'. There is no way out, and every hope and dream is dashed. Perhaps the woman he wanted ran off and married someone else. You have seen these movies.
If you stopped the movie at that point you might never want to watch another movie again. But something in you says,
"It is going to come right. We will stick it through and keep trying."
Your hero keeps trying, and in the end he or she comes out victorious.
Life is like that, which is why movies follow that pattern. Birth is also like that. You reach a point of death or giving up, where you say,
"I don't want this baby anymore."
It might be a bit late, but you can abort it. If you do not follow through this is exactly what will happen.
You may have believed the Lord for a long time, but then you let go and stop. Once it is gone you will never see the manifestation. So you need to apply Step No. 10.
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