Making Your Dream Come True Chapter 16 of 20

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Bind the Forces of Darkness

Step No 8

You must bind the forces of darkness, because God has given YOU the authority in the earth. He said that whatever YOU bind on earth would have been bound in heaven. Whatever YOU loose on earth would have been loosed in heaven. You might say,

"I have just been praying and trusting God to bind the devil."

Well Satan has a lot more people giving him license in the earth right now. You have to stand up in the authority that God has given you and say,

"I will not allow that Satan. Don't you dare."

You have authority, and the power of the authority of the name of Jesus. You can speak against the forces of darkness and say,

"No you don't. Take your lies and get out of here!"

You have to use that authority. You have to bind the forces of darkness, and you have authority to do it. And sometimes the Lord stands there waiting for you to do it.

I did not understand this principle for many years. I remember once reading a book by the late Kenneth E. Hagin, entitled "I Believe In Visions." He shared something in there that I thought was total heresy at the time.

He said that he had a vision where the Lord was speaking to him. And as the Lord was speaking, suddenly this little demon appeared like a monkey between him and the Lord.

He said it started making a noise, but the Lord just carried on talking. After a while he became irritated. He wondered why the Lord was not doing something about the demon. But the Lord just carried on speaking.

Eventually the demon began to kick up dust and make smoke. A cloud began to appear and the Lord started to disappear, but He just continued to speak. Hagin said he got irritated and spoke to the demon saying,

"I bind you in the name of Jesus and command you to leave."

The demon fell whimpering to the ground and went off, and the Lord carried on speaking. The Lord told him,

"If you had not done that, I could have done nothing about it."

He said, "Lord, you mean you did not want to do anything about it?"

But the Lord said,

"No, I put the authority in YOUR hands in the earth. It's up to YOU to bind."

It is puzzling to the mind, but true. You must bind the forces of darkness in this earth, because God has given you the authority.

When Jesus was on the earth, He had this authority because He was walking as man. But Jesus is no longer resident in the earth in physical form. He is in the heavenly realm.

Now He comes and lives and walks in us by His Spirit. Jesus walks this earthly realm now in us. If Jesus is going to bind demons on this earth now, He will do it through YOUR mouth.

What function do the angels carry out?

Whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven; whatever you permit or release on earth will be released in heaven.

God has His angels, and whatever He does in this physical realm to cause things to happen for us, He does through angelic agency.

So I thank the Lord that we have the angels. They are there to protect me. So does this mean that I can just do whatever I like; live a reckless life, drive too fast, do stupid things, and expect the angels to look after me?

No, the angels need your license in the earth. In the Psalms, it says that they pay attention to the word of the Lord in the earth. But how does the word of the Lord come forth? It can only come forth now through human lips.

As you speak God's Word into the earth; as you confess His Word and use the authority that He has given you, you give the angels license to work. Until you give them that license, they cannot impose on you in any way, and give you what you didn't ask for.

So don't think it will just fall on you. You must bind the forces of darkness and you must release the angels. Don't think you can escape by saying,

"There is my guardian angel. 'Hey go and get me my new car now.' "

It does not work quite that way. No, you bind the forces of darkness, speak forth, transmute, and confess into the earth. When you do that, you commission the angels automatically by your words going forth into the earth.

This is because the words that you are speaking are the very rhema words that God put into you. As you confess the Scriptures and the rhema word of revelation that God gave you, you release His Word into the earth, and you release the angels to arrange and bring it to pass.

Before I met my wife, Daphne, the Lord showed me a vision one night. I saw a ring of angels around me and another ring of angels around her. They were all working to bring the two of us together.

It was such a beautiful picture. And they did do it, in a most amazing way that I would never have expected. And no she did not walk into church one day while I was preaching. It just didn't happen.

I found her in the most unexpected place, and the Lord told me where to look. But that's another story and we have shared it in on Daphne's website called Godly Wife. You can find it by going to

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