Making Your Dream Come True Chapter 12 of 20

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See Him Giving You the Answer

Step No 4

This is the first part of the 'See It and Snatch It' stage. You cannot snatch it until you see it. You need to see the Lord actually giving you what you asked for.

How will you see it; when it actually manifests? No, we have not even come close to the manifestation yet. You have to see it with your spiritual eyes. You must 'see' it in your spirit.

What does that mean? Do I close my eyes and visualize it? Do I try to see the Lord holding in His hand what I asked for and giving it to me? That sounds right doesn't it? But it is not what I mean.

Yes you should see it, and get some kind of vision or assurance. But it will usually come in a way that you do not expect. It will come out of your spirit. And when it comes, it will not even be what you were expecting.

It will pop out and you will know it is the voice of God saying to you,

"I give it to you."

You might see Him holding it and giving it to you, but you might not. It is up to Him how He gives it to you. But you must get a revelation where you know that you know that the Lord has heard your prayer and said yes.

Until you have that assurance, you have not even begun to move in faith yet. And without faith it is impossible to please Him.

You may have very strong hope. You may be able to close your eyes and see it, as they teach you in many of these worldly programs such as The Secret. You can close your eyes and see yourself driving that car. You can feel the soft seats. Yes, you can do that later, but not yet because that is one of the later steps.

Until you know that you know that the Lord has said yes and given it to you, you can go no further.

Everybody misses this step. Folks pray, believe and confess. They put their faith out, expecting any day to see the manifestation. But it is just all hope because you have not yet seen the Lord giving it to you.

When you see Him giving it to you, then it leads to Step No. 5.

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