Making Your Dream Come True Chapter 11 of 20

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Wait On God For The Answer

Step No. 3

Should you fast, pray, and nag the Lord? Should you bug Him until He says?

"Ok you can have it."

If you do that, then how will you know when He says?

"Ok, you can have it."

Will you know because it has arrived? After nagging the Lord on and on, eventually it is there. There is a knock at the door and there she is - a lovely blonde-haired woman who says,

"The Lord told me you were looking for a wife."

Well I don't know how good your faith is, but mine was never that good. I thought God would do it in a slightly less miraculous way for me.

Since I was in ministry, I thought I would be standing behind the pulpit ministering. I expected her to walk in the door while I was ministering away. She would be the exact woman I had asked for. Our eyes would meet, sparks would fly and I would know that this was it.

But it did not happen. That is a different story of course. The Lord did answer my faith and gave me the woman of my dreams. He gave me exactly what I asked for, because I used these principles.

They really work and I live by them and guide my life and ministry by them. These are not just fancy ideas or psychology from some ungodly person. They come from the Scriptures and are God's 12 steps to blessing.

You must ask the Lord for the things you desire, but the key lies in the word 'wait.' What must you wait for?

You do not wait for the provision itself to appear. What you need to wait for comes long before you see the manifestation. You must wait for an answer from the Lord. A good starting point will be if God says yes. But if God says no, then He has a reason.

The problem actually does not lie in which answer God gives. It lies in your ability to hear His answer. You have probably tried storming the gates of Heaven. But you did not hear that little voice inside that says,

"You don't have to storm the gates my child. They are open. Come on in."

The trouble is we are so busy storming the gates, bombarding, claiming and confessing repeatedly, that we miss that sweet little voice that says,

"Okay you can have it; it's yours."

You must wait on God for the answer. You said your part, now give Him a chance to reply. If you ask amiss He will talk back and say,

"No, you are asking contrary to my Word and going in the wrong direction."

"No I am not going to give you somebody from China."

The Lord will usually give you what you want, but sometimes there are factors you did not allow for. Perhaps you told the Lord how to provide.

God does not like us to tell Him how to provide. He knows a better way of providing than you ever thought of. Imagine if you asked the Lord to provide for your healing by praying,

"Lord let them discover the most powerful medicine for this sickness."

That would be silly wouldn't it? God can do that, and sometimes He does. He has provided many things in this world in answer to our needs. But do not tell the Lord how to provide. Rather wait on Him for the answer. This will lead you to Step No. 4.

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