Making Your Dream Come True Chapter 7 of 20
<-Chapter 6 Chapter 8-> Show Condensed VersionLearning Some Warfare
The first thing you had better do before you try to take this land is learn a bit of warfare. You need to know what warfare is and get into some practice. Do some spiritual exercise and develop your spiritual weapons. You are going to war.
Do you think that Satan will freely give you all the prosperity and blessing; so that you can take all that money and use it for the Kingdom of God, get souls saved and turn this world upside down for the Lord?
He is no more ready to do this than the Canaanites were ready to hand over the land to Israel. You will have a fight on your hands.
So Moses had to train up an army, and no army can ever survive without leaders. Moses had to set in place a structure of leadership amongst these million or so people that he was leading.
He set up leaders of thousands, hundreds, fifties and tens. He had it all structured like a perfect army, and they were not even an army yet.
Then as they trained to become soldiers, each one fitted into their ranks. Each one knew exactly who they were responsible to, to whom they had to obey and who would make each level of decision.
Moses of course was right at the top. But every army also needs a general in charge. So Moses chose his right hand man, young Joshua, who was a man that he could trust. Joshua was in charge of the military and was the general over the army.
When they entered battle in the very first skirmishes on the way to the Promised Land, Joshua led the people out to battle to defeat the enemy. And Moses stood and did what he could do well. He held up his rod and released the power and anointing of God upon them.
Implementing the Plan
Do you plan to become wealthy? Do you plan to set up a business structure or some way of accumulating wealth?
It will take some planning and setting things in place. It will take using those whom God gives to you, putting them into place and giving them functions.
You must put them into a structure and put your plan together before you take the first step towards making this happen. Planning is an essential part of walking in the prosperity and wealth of taking the land that God has promised you alone.
So Moses took this whole plan, put it together and explained it to the people in detail. He was about to die and leave them, because God would not let him in.
His time was over. So he called all the people together and he rehearsed every stage of the plan God had given. He included all the fine details of what they needed to do.
What were they to do? They were to obtain what God had promised. But if God promised it, then why did He not just do it? Why could God not just send down lightning, hailstones, and thunderbolts from Heaven? He could kill all the enemy and they could just walk in and take over the land.
You wish. We are in this world that is controlled by the Princes of Darkness. So do not expect things to be any different in the spirit to what they are in the natural. There is an enemy to overcome and drive out.
People forget things very quickly. Moses probably spent weeks teaching them all the principles, and he knew they would not remember them. So God told him to use an extra technique. He wrote a song for them to learn. Then when they sang the song again they would remember some of the important principles.
So Moses gave them his final parting song, to help jog their memories so they would not forget the principles. And finally he had to appoint someone to take over. Of course that man was Joshua, his right hand man and the General of the army.
Time for Action
We have moved now from dreams and goals to plans. Now there is a plan to put into motion and we can look at taking the Promised Land.
The third stage is the actual taking of the land, and the person involved in that of course was Joshua. He took over from Moses, and his job was to do the final stage - the action part. God gave Joshua very clear instructions.
Firstly He told Joshua to memorize everything that Moses had written. Knowing some was not good enough for him. He had to memorize it.
The Lord told him to make sure that the word did not depart from his mouth. He was to meditate on it day and night and then he would succeed in everything that he did. That is because he had to memorize it.
Have you ever tried Scripture memorization? You cannot read something once or twice and remember it. I remember once trying to memorize Scripture. I had a pack of Scripture cards, with the verses on one side and the references on the other.
I would take each verse one at a time, walk up and down and repeat it.
"If you abide in me and my words abide in you, ask whatever you wish and it will be done for you. John 15:7."
I would speak it over again until I could hear myself speaking it in my sleep. Then it became mine, but it did not happen in one or two days. But after all these years I can still quote it because I have it in my spirit.
We want to just do it 'by faith' because we are lazy. We want to step in there and God will make it all happen. We will fast and pray for a bit, confess the Word and off we go. Then our Promised Land arrives and the millions start coming from all sides.
That would be nice, but you will need a very clear plan, and you should have memorized that plan. You should have it very clear in your mind, and know where you are going to go first and where you are going after that. You will need to know what to do if certain things do or don't take place.
Getting the Plan from God
Where do we get all these plans from? We get them from the same place that Moses did - from the presence of God.
This is no natural ability. You will not get these plans by working them out in your mind, using your wonderful business skill or reading all the books you can find on business.
It is not enough. Moses had to get it from the presence of God Himself. And if you want a plan for your Promised Land, there are no books written yet for that. Nobody else has gone yet into your Promised Land, because your Promised Land is not the same as everyone else's.
Your Promised Land is not the same place to which everyone else is traveling. Your Promised Land is unique to you alone, and there is only one place that you can find the blueprint; in His Presence. So you had better get on your knees and spend time in His presence.
Before you even think of stepping out, opening your big mouth and telling the world that you are going to be so wealthy, go and get the blueprint from Him. You should have it in your mind and in your heart. You should eat, sleep, think and dream it all the time.
It should have saturated you and become part of you. Joshua had to saturate himself with what God had said to Moses, because Joshua did not have the chance to be up there with God.
He also spent a lot of time up in the mountain in the presence of God, but he did not get the plan as Moses did. So he had to saturate himself with that plan.
Dealing With the Negatives
Joshua also had to learn to develop courage. The moment you start your plan and tell everyone what you are planning to do, several dozen will think they are called to tell you that you are deceived. They will try to tell you where you are going wrong and offer advice on the best way to do it.
It is amazing how people who never succeeded financially in life, will have '10 ways to get rich' to teach you. It is amazing how many books on how to grow wealthy are by poor people. They read everybody else's books and then regurgitate them for you.
All the wealth and prosperity books are the same. They all repeat what everyone else has taught. And even some of those original teachers failed.
Yes there are some good principles and people have learned many things. You could study how others took their land.
You might think that there are some good principles there that you could use. But you had better first find out what your land looks like, because what worked for their land will not necessarily work for yours.
God told Joshua,
"Be a strong leader; be bold and courageous. Do not listen to what people say, but step out in faith and boldness and don't apologize for your presence. This is my word that I have given, so be bold, strong and courageous, and keep the people in subjection. Go and take the land."
You cannot allow any wishy-washiness. You cannot say,
"Well I am just trusting God to make me wealthy."
No, you had better know how you will become wealthy, because God told you. It is not because you made it up or decided to 'name it and claim it', but because God told you exactly how to go about it.
Here now is the wonderful thing; Abraham looked forward to the future, Moses looked at the present reality, but for Joshua it was the past tense. God said to Joshua,
"I have already given you the land. "
The Key Principle
Here is a principle that you must allow to burn down into your spirit. The Lord gave me a simple little principle by the Spirit that set a fire in me. He said,
"Becoming wealthy is not something you DO. Becoming wealthy is something you ARE."
You don't become a millionaire by accumulating a million dollars in your bank account. You start out by becoming a millionaire, and because you ARE a millionaire, you accumulate the millions.
They don't teach you that in the world. Millionaires are a dime a dozen. That is because there are many people who have a million in the bank.
But how many of those were millionaires in themselves before they accumulated this money? Some folks saved up money all their lives. They invested their money and earned interest, saving and living a miserable life until they had a million in the bank. Now they boast that they are millionaires.
You could have a million in the bank and still have a poverty mentality. You still think like a poor man. You are not a millionaire after all. You are just a poor person who happens to have a million in the bank.
I can have 10 dollars in the bank and be a millionaire, because God made me a millionaire. As Joshua stood at the side of the Jordan, God said,
"All that land over there I have given to you. You are the owner of that land, Joshua. I want you to see that it is already yours."
You are already the possessor of the Promised Land. Once you have found out what your Promised Land is, set in motion all the plans to make it a reality. You start by making it a reality in the Spirit. If first becomes a reality in your heart.
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