Making Your Dream Come True Chapter 19 of 20

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Do Not Be Swayed by the Time of Travail

Step 11

Do not be put off when everything goes wrong. When you reach the 'all is lost' stage of the movie, don't switch it off. Don't give up. Don't be swayed, because Satan will throw at you everything that he has, to make you think that God has forsaken you.

He wants you to think that it was all a big mistake and you were deceived; that it is not going to happen. If this stage is not reached, I would question whether you are doing a real birth or not. So expect it because it will come.

Expect the 'Dark Night of the Soul'. But you know that after the night comes the dawn. There is an old saying that it is always darkest before the dawn.

So hang in there and push on through. Eventually the labor pains will be over, and you will hear the baby crying. Then you will have birthed the thing that you wanted.

Isn't it wonderful - these 11 steps to God's provision? But I said there were 12. Yes there are, and the twelfth one is very important.

Baby is born and it is wonderful. Do you just put him down and go off? Your child could die right at that point and you could lose him or her completely.

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