Making Your Dream Come True Chapter 15 of 20
<-Chapter 14 Chapter 16-> Show Condensed VersionBuild a Spiritual Template
Step No. 7
How do you move from the spiritual realm to the physical realm? There has to be a bridge between the part of you that is spiritual and the part of you that is physical.
If you consider the nature of man, you see that God made us to be spirit, soul and body. The spirit is the deeper inner part that is the real you. It is where the Holy Spirit dwells if you are a born-again believer.
Your body is the ugly part that you wish you could change sometimes. You try to change it as much as you can. This is that part of you that is visible to everyone.
Between the two is the seat of your personality. It is the real you; the place where your thoughts and desires lie. It is where you find the ability to choose and act on your own will.
You want what God put in your spirit to flow out into the physical. For this to happen there must be a channel in your soul for it to flow through. I have called that channel a 'template'.
Why do you need this template? God gave you a revelation in your spirit, so you know that He has provided what you desired. But your mind keeps fighting it. Your mind is attacked with doubts, fears, and cares.
Today you might be on top of the world and happy that God has provided. But tomorrow you might be down and full of despair. We have all been there.
You need a template to keep your soul going; a spiritual template to keep your soul healthy. Then as you speak words, you release power from your spirit, through the soul and through your body into the earth.
If you don't do this, they are just empty words without anointing. They must be words filled with power.
Templates are things based on our experiences in life. When you have had a lot of 'bad luck' in life with things going wrong, you find it very difficult to believe. You do not expect things to go right.
But some things did go right in your life. You may only be able to count them on one hand. But there should be something at least. There should have been something that worked; something that you got right.
Let's start with those, because they are your good templates. Start using those as good channels.
Supposing you face a fearful situation and you wonder how you will get out of it. When this happens, ask yourself this question,
"Have I been here before?"
Perhaps you had this 10 years ago and you remember. Things were impossible; creditors were knocking at the door trying to take away everything. And even if they took away everything in the end, you made it through.
You broke free and things changed. You did not stay there, but worked your way through. This is actually a good template. Forget about the bad things that happened. You survived and made it through. And you are doing a whole lot better now than you were doing back there.
Start with the good memories you have. Don't major on all the things that went wrong in your life. Those things will poison your soul. Start with the good things and build on those. Fill your mind with good thoughts.
Here is where you come to the part where you see yourself driving the car. You have to build this into your soul to keep it healthy. The word of faith that God gave you must flow out freely as you continue to confess.
One of the easiest ways to build the pictures into your mind is to speak the words aloud. You could close your eyes and try to imagine it. You could try to visualize the thing you desire.
There is the man of your dreams. He is so wonderful and never says nasty things. Well that might be just a daydream, but still. It is not that easy to build pictures into your mind by just thinking about it.
It is much easier to do this when you say it. Take a walk along the beach and speak it out. Say,
"Lord I thank you that she is here now. Oh Lord she's beautiful; she's even more than what I asked for. Lord, you did such a wonderful job. "
I went even further than that. I began to write poetry for her, because she was so real to me. The only thing that was missing was her physical presence. But in my heart and in my spirit I knew that God had given exactly what I had asked for.
Actually He gave even more than what I asked for. That is just how wonderful He is. He gives us the things we secretly desire and do not think we should dare to ask for.
Keep the positive pictures in your heart as you speak those words out and build some good templates. They keep your soul going and hanging on, as you continue to transmute and confess these things.
As you do this, some obstacles will come up. You will come under attack in your mind.
The moment you begin to believe God for finances, something will break or go wrong. Some new debt will come up. You might have to spend the money you saved on fixing the car or something.
Satan comes in, steals everything and then tells you that you were deceived. He will tell you that you only imagined that you heard God. He will tell you that you are a miserable sinner and do not deserve special blessing from the Lord. He will begin to attack and bombard your mind.
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