Making Your Dream Come True Chapter 14 of 20
<-Chapter 13 Chapter 15-> Show Condensed VersionTransmute It Down
Step No 6
The best picture I have ever had for this comes from the original old Star Trek TV Series, where they would beam down to a planet. They would call and say,
"Beam me up, Scottie."
They would dematerialize into a form of energy. They would then transmit this up into the spaceship. There in a special chamber, the energy would rematerialize to form the transmuted person.
This is how it works. God gave you what you asked for, but He gave it in 'spiritual essence'. You have to transmit that spiritual essence down to this earth, and convert it into something physical and tangible.
I have taught this in a lot of detail in the Way of Blessing, so I will not explain it here. But you can transmute using something that exists in both the heavenly and earthly realms. That thing is 'words'.
You see words are a manifestation of spirit power. The heavenly realm is a spiritual realm. But on this earth the only spiritual realm is your human spirit. Your spirit is the only part of you that can make contact with the spiritual realm, in which God lives.
Your spirit expresses itself through words. Words are the containers in which you release spiritual power. So the way to transmute down from the heavenly realm is to speak words.
What words should you speak? You should speak and confess the past tense. You must say,
"God has given me the thing I desired. In the name of Jesus it is mine."
You must be like Joshua. God said to him,
"I have given you the whole land. Every place where you put your foot, I have given to you."
It would have been great if Joshua could have just stood there and said,
"Okay Lord, bring it on. Bring me the land. Isn't that wonderful, God says we have the land."
But it is not yours until you put your foot on it. And I found that the best way to transmute is to be a Joshua. I say to myself,
"I have received my new car. I put my foot on it now. It is mine. Satan, take your hands off my car. Get off my land."
Why do I say that? Because my car is already down here on this earth and Satan is blocking it from coming to me. As I transmute that car down from the heavenly realm, the enemy will try to block it. So I need to stand against him. I will get to that part in more detail shortly.
As you speak and confess, you say,
"I thank you Lord that you have given me that car. It is mine, hallelujah."
You tell people what kind of car God has given you. You thank the Lord for granting your desire.
When I asked the Lord for a wife, I told everyone about it. I asked Him for money to pay off my debts, and told someone at work about it.
People might think that you are strange. But it should become so real to you that cannot help it.
Where was this money going to come from? My bills were sky high and I was getting deeper into debt. I did not know, but God had told me He had given it to me.
The manifestation did come one day unexpectedly, when someone came to my door and said,
"God has told me to give you some money."
It might not always happen that way, but in this case, it did.
I kept speaking it and told everybody about it. It was not a big show, but I simply spoke about what I really believed in my heart. I knew that I knew that God had given me what I desired.
<-Chapter 13 Chapter 15-> Show Condensed Version