Making Your Dream Come True Chapter 13 of 20
<-Chapter 12 Chapter 14-> Show Condensed VersionYou Must Know That it is Yours
Step No 5
The Scripture tells us that faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the 'rhema' word of God. What I referred to as 'seeing' is actually the rhema Word of God.
It is not enough to just open up to a Scripture where the Lord says He has given it to you, although the Lord can do that. But when the true revelation comes, it brings with it an assurance so strong that you actually stop praying.
You stop asking, because you know now that God has answered. You know that this thing is yours. This is a very important step.
Faith is always, 'knowing that you know'. And faith always has a past tense.
I have a very simple way of testing people's faith. I hear someone say something like this:
"I have trusted the Lord and I believe that my husband will be here any day now. Any day now God is going to give me my husband."
When I hear that, I know they have not yet moved into faith. They are still walking in hope.
You see faith says,
"God gave me my husband; God gave me my car; God gave me my new house; God gave me a new job."
But when did He give it? You should be able to put down a date and time when it took place. That was the moment you received the rhema from the Lord. That was when you knew that He had answered.
Now you know, although you do not know how it will come or when it will come. You do not know how God will work, or whom He will use. All you need to know is that you have received from the Lord what you asked for.
That is faith and it is your starting point.
Now that you know He has given it to you, you might wonder where it is. Where is it right now?
The Scripture says God provides our needs according His riches in glory, which is the Heavenly realm. So I ask the Lord for a new Lincoln Continental and he says,
"Yes, here are the keys."
But where is my car right now? Technically speaking it likely already exists. But if God gives it to me right now I can tell you where it is. It is parked outside His front door in the Heavenly realm. I can close my eyes and see it, but it is up there. He has given it to me and it is mine.
But now how do I get it from there down to here? This is where you have to do something. You might be waiting for the Lord to ship it (via DHL maybe). Can the carriers of this world make that kind of delivery? I doubt it.
It will take a lot more to get it down to here from the heavenly realm. You will have to follow through with Step No. 6.
<-Chapter 12 Chapter 14-> Show Condensed Version