His Plans For You

God has great plans for you as part of what He wants to accomplish in this world. We often make the mistake of comparing ourselves with others who have risen to prominence and are more visible.

But God has called you to do something that others cannot do, and He prepared you for this since you were born.

The key is find out what what His plans are and to step out boldly doing what He has planned.

Audio Recording

Song Ending

Make Me A Vessel Of Honor


Text Transcript

I have great plans for you, says the Lord, for I have prepared you over a long period of time for the task that I have set before you.

I knew you before you were even born and then already I planned where you would fit into my kingdom in the future. But you have looked at yourself and you’ve seen yourself as too small and insignificant.

You have compared yourself with others who have risen up in the public eye and have a big name and reputation and you’ve said:

“I’m too small and insignificant to accomplish much for the kingdom of God.”

But you need to realize My child that there are things that you are equipped to do and things that I’ve called you to do that not many others are capable of doing. And you have a very important role to play in My plans for the future and for the building of My Kingdom in this world.

Therefore never look down on what I’ve given you and consider yourself unimportant simply because you have not taken a prominent visible role in this world.

For what you are doing for me is just as important as what these others are doing for me says the Lord. And what you are to accomplish for me is absolutely vital to the future of My Kingdom and of My Church.

And each one as they contribute their part together make up a complete picture of what I want to do.

Therefore instead of looking to others to try and find out what you should be doing; instead of desiring to be like others who appear to be succeeding, you need to take time to find out that unique thing that I have called you to do.

For what I have called you to do not many others have even an interest in doing and not many others are even capable of doing says the Lord.

Therefore as you wait on Me and let Me show you those desires that I have put in your heart and those tasks that I want you to accomplish in this world. Then you will no longer continue to strive to become something different.

But you will be contented to realize that your place is very important and is no less important than the place of others who appear to have risen up and been given fame and recognition. Often, what you will do for me, nobody in this world will see.

But I see it says the Lord and I am pleased with you and I desire to use you and to continue to use you in that area. Therefore wait on me and find out what I have given you, find out the strengths that I’ve put in you and be content to continue to use those.

Knowing that though you may not be on the front lines of the battle, the role that you are playing is as vital to me as those who are on the front lines. Be faithful says the Lord, that is all that I require of you.

And as you come to the place where you realize that you are doing exactly what I’ve called you to do, you will come to a place of contentment and there’ll be no more striving to change and to be something else.

But then you will begin to enter into my blessing and experience the joy and the wonder that there is to serve me in this life and to be part of my instrument of blessing to this world.

Song Lyrics

You, O Lord, are all that I need
As I come before you now.
And as I humbly bow at your feet,
Come and fill me afresh with your power.

Take what I offer you, Lord,
And touch me from above.
Fill me to overflowing
With all of the glory and love

Make thee a vessel of honor,
Lift me and open the way,
That I may be a blessing to many today.

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2 thoughts on “His Plans For You”

  1. I really really love that message that prophetic word. It was exactly how I was feeling and it touched my heart and made me realize that I’m just as important as everybody else. Whether God uses me like others or not that special something that he has called me to do I want to do it with all my heart. I will continue to pray and wait upon the Lord with anything that he wants to say to me. Thank you so much for all day and Lord.

  2. Thanks for the encouraging word. It really blessed me and also was a confirmation of what I have heard from the Lord.

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