Day 1 – ChoosingYour Path

As you face a new week that lies ahead, what are your expectations or hopes for what the week will bring?

Are you hoping things will work out good and nothing bad will happen to you? Are you trusting that good things will take place and that you will end the week on a high note?

Or are you just going to wait and see what happens? This is what many believers do, and then when things go bad, they complain against the Lord because He did not bring blessings into their lives.

In this Daily Motivation, I show you two plans that have been made for you. You have the choice to decide which of these plans to implement.

Audio File

Summary Notes

Day 1 – Choosing Your Path

It is Monday – a full week ahead.

As you step into this new week, what are your expectations for the journey ahead?

Two Possible Plans Available

1. The plan that the enemy has for you
a. He wants you to suffer in health
b. He wants you to struggle with wealth
b. He wants you to have bad relationships

2. How He will accomplish this
a. He is going to use people in the world system to accomplish this.
b. He is going to try to block you from using God’s power
i. He will do this by filling your mind with negative thoughts
ii. This will result in negative feelings
ii. You will become paralyzed and powerless to change things
c. As you allow fear in your heart, you give him a license. 

3. The plan that the Lord has for you 
a. He wants you to walk in blessing in all areas of your life
b. Your health – He wants you to be healthy and live a long life
c. Your wealth – He wants you to have more than you need to just survive
d. Your relationships – He wants you to have favor with all people

4. How He will accomplish this
a. He wants you to tap into the power He put into you 
b. He wants you to release this using words and actions
c. He wants you to use His authority on the earth
d. When you do this nothing is impossible

Make Your Plans For The Week – Choose the blessings you desire

Text Transcript

What Kind of Week Are You Hoping For?

Well, it’s Monday and we have a whole week lying ahead. What are your expectations for the week that lies ahead? Are you hoping that it’s going to be a week of blessing? Are you trusting God to bring good things in your life? Or you’re just waiting and hoping for the best? Well, I want you to realize that there are two possible plans that are being implemented in your life.

Two Plans Are Available to You

As a believer, there’s the plan that the enemy has for you, and there’s the plan that the Lord has for you. And each of these operate under different circumstances. And we do not have to just accept the one without the other. Let me explain. Satan’s plan for you is that he wants you to suffer. Suffer in your health, sickness and disease, pain, anything physical that he can throw at you.

He wants you to struggle financially with wealth. He wants you to not have enough money to go around, he wants to bring you into financial bondage and bring debts that you can’t pay and cause all sorts of problems that come when there’s no money. And then he wants you to have bad relationships. Satan is not in the business of building good marriages, or good relationships, or good friendships.

He wants your existing relationship to turn sour, and for any good relationships that you have with other people, he just wants those just to go away, so that they are no longer effective in your life. Now, how is he going to accomplish all of this? How’s he going to do this? Well, firstly, he’s going to use people, people in this world system, over which he has actually a very strong control.

How Satan Works His Plan

He’s going to use people against you, to interfere with your plans and your desires, to impose their wills on you, and to force you to go the way they want to go, rather than the way that you want to go. He’s also going to try and block you from using the power of God that has been made available to you and which the Lord has placed deep inside each one of us.

Now, how’s he going to do that? Firstly, he’s going to fill your mind with negative thoughts. That’s going to result in negative feelings until eventually you become paralyzed and powerless to do much of anything because your feelings let you down. And then as you allow fear into your heart, you actually open the door wide and give him full license to fulfill the plan that he has for you this week.

The Plan The Lord Has For You

Now, I don’t think I even need to ask you. Do you want Satan’s plan for your life this week? Absolutely not. So then look at the second plan. And that is the plan that the Lord has for you. The Lord wants you to walk in blessing in every area of your life. He wants you to walk in good health. He wants you to be healthy and strong and free of pain and able to do with your body anything that you desire to do in this world.

The Lord wants you to be blessed in the realm of wealth and finances. He wants you to have more than enough. Not only just enough to, that you need to survive, but also more than enough to even get the things that you really desire and that you enjoy. And then he wants to bless you in your relationships.

He wants you to have favor with all people, especially those that you’re already close to. If you’re in a marriage relationship, he wants your marriage to be heaven on earth. And he wants your relationship with other friends and contacts to always be good relationships. Good friendships, no conflicts, or strife.

How God Works His Plan

This is what God has for you. Satan has the complete opposite in mind. Now, how’s God going to accomplish all of this? Well, firstly, I want you to realize that he has already put inside of you all the power and the authority that is needed for you to experience these things in this world. He’s placed it all inside of you by his spirit and by his anointing that came upon you when you were anointed with his Holy Spirit.

All of these things are available to you and all you need to do is to tap into them and use them to build the kind of life that you desire. I’ve covered this in a lot of detail in a book called Tapping Your Inner Resources. If you haven’t read that book, I highly recommend you buy it and read it and go through it in detail and see what God has already given you.

The Bible says God has blessed us already with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places. In Christ, you have received all that you need already from the Lord. All you need to do now is to release that power into this world to experience the things that you desire and the blessings that God has for you.

He wants you to release that power into your own body, and that is how healing comes about, because it is your spirit that keeps your body alive. When your spirit leaves, your body dies. Your spirit has healing power in it that can get rid of all the sicknesses and diseases and all the problems that are happening in your body.

You Must Release His Power and Authority

But you need to release that power from deep within. He wants you to use his authority in the earth, because he has given you the authority to use his name, the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, which is the highest name in the universe. You have the power and authority as a son or daughter of God to take that name and use it with authority.

And you can command, and you can command, and you can command. You can command Satan and his hosts. You can command the world system that is under his control to bow before the name of Jesus and to yield to you the treasures and the blessings that God has placed in this earth, especially for you. When you use his power and his authority together, then nothing becomes impossible to you on this earth.

So as you look now over The week that lies ahead on this very first day of the week, don’t approach it with hope, with fear, approach it with confidence, and you decide what kind of blessings you want to receive and experience this week in your life.

And once you decide that, you give to the Lord this blueprint of what your week is going to be and allow him to release from within you the anointing and the power and the authority to make all of these things happen. Now you will need to stand against the enemy who is going to try and block those things and he’s going to do it every day and he’s going to use very different tactics.

Follow Each Day This Week

And so as we continue throughout the rest of this week On these daily motivations, I’m going to be covering some of these aspects each day so that you can deal with them as they come up. But now on this beautiful Monday, set your goal on the week ahead and say, This is the week of blessing that I shall experience with the Lord’s help, with his authority and power.

Now you make your plans for the week and you give it to the Lord. That’s what your life is going to look like. the rest of this week. And by the time we get to Friday, I’m going to review everything that we’ve covered. And then perhaps you may want to go back and rewatch these daily meditations from these motivations from each day and see if you followed it correctly.

And if you didn’t and you missed it, good news, there’s another week coming next week and you can start it all over again until eventually it becomes a habit in your life to walk in the blessing and the abundant life The Lord desired for you. The Lord bless you. Amen.

5 thoughts on “Day 1 – ChoosingYour Path”

  1. Thank for reminding me to step with knowing and believing that my victories lies in the word of God.

  2. May the Lord bless you for these encouraging words. I struggle so with loneliness and was dreading another week of getting by.
    Your words of how the devil works to keep us down rang loud and clear. I needed a good reminder of changing my thoughts from hope to expecting.
    Thank you..God bless you!

  3. Thank you so much!
    As I’m reading through the motivation, it sort of like teach you to command your week. Every Monday you set the goals for the week.

    And every day you command the day to yield what you desire. And the power is in you.

    This is so informative. Praise God!

  4. I choose the plan that the Lord has for me!

    This layout is very helpful and it’s also so helpful to be encouraged daiky. When the world, life, the enemy, want to throw things at you, a guideline is a blessing to help get through the week, better yet the day.

    I’m always learning something new through your teachings.

    Thanks for pouring out daily. It’s much appreciated!

  5. Thank you very much Apostle. These messages are motivating and uplifting. I released the power in me to be blessed everyday in every area of my life. I love it.

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