Day 1 – ChoosingYour Path

As you face a new week that lies ahead, what are your expectations or hopes for what the week will bring?

Are you hoping things will work out good and nothing bad will happen to you? Are you trusting that good things will take place and that you will end the week on a high note?

Or are you just going to wait and see what happens? This is what many believers do, and then when things go bad, they complain against the Lord because He did not bring blessings into their lives.

In this Daily Motivation, I show you two plans that have been made for you. You have the choice to decide which of these plans to implement.

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A New Era Begins

When we first formed LesDaph ministries we planned to establish our own ministry apart from GBM because it seemed like the Lord was leading us to hand GBM over to others and go through a kind of retirement process.

However, the Lord led in a different direction, and we took back the reins of GBM, including establishing the Fivefold Training Schools. This was an unexpected direction because the Lord appeared to be showing us to minister more to everyone at all levels rather than just the leadership levels.

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