Push On Through

Today’s prophetic word is for those who have launched out into something new, but it has not gone well and you are facing a lot of opposition.

Audio Recording

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Transcript of Prophetic Word

I have a word for you from the Lord.

The Lord says you came up with an idea, a plan, and it was a plan that I put into your heart. Therefore you stepped out boldly in my name and began to carry out that plan. And things started out fine but it did not take long before opposition came and the enemies seemed to be all around you and everything began to go wrong.

You began to doubt whether you heard me correctly or not. You began to doubt whether this was of me. Perhaps you thought it was only your own idea.

I would like to tell you, says the Lord, that this plan was of me, and I fully intended you to carry it out. But what you are facing right now is simply a ploy of the enemy to stop you from moving forward. You are a bit like the seed in the parable of the sower that fell among the thorns.

It sprang up beautifully but then got choked by the thorns. The thorns are a picture of the enemy and his works to try and stop you. But the Lord would say unto you, my child, you must realize that the enemy is limited in his resources and he cannot maintain his attack against you indefinitely.

Therefore, do not give up, don’t throw in the towel, but keep going, keep moving forward, keep doing what I told you to do and it will be just a matter of time that that thorn will reach the end of its life and it will shrivel up and die and you will be free to continue to grow and to flourish.

You must pass that stage with every new thing that you do because you do have an enemy, and you have an enemy who does not want you to prosper. But I want you to prosper, says the Lord, and I shall prosper you, and I have not left you or deserted you; I’m still theree.

Therefore, pick up again the sword that you dropped, pick up your shield, put on your armor and push forward boldly in my name, for you didn’t miss it says the Lord.

But the enemy is just trying to stop you, and if you will just continue to push ahead and stand against him and continue to do what I told you to do, very soon you will see the tide begin to turn.

Everything will begin to change and you will be glad that you started on this journey because your final destination will be absolutely worth it says the Lord.

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